Kardynał Fernández i Franciszek o piekle. Herezje.

Kardynał Fernández mówi o piekle. „Franciszek często pyta, czy nie może być puste”

Podczas konferencji prasowej, na której kardynał Victor Manuel Fernández prezentował deklarację o ludzkiej godności, padło pytanie dotyczące perspektywy wiecznego potępienia. Dziennikarka Diane Montagna chciała wiedzieć, w jaki sposób można pogodzić nieskończoną godność człowieka (tytułowa dignitas infinita) z zatraceniem w piekle.

Kardynał Fernández odpowiedział na to pytanie następująco:

Papież Franciszek wielokrotnie powiedział, że potwierdzenie możliwości potępienia w piekle wiąże się przede wszystkim z kultem (wł. culto oznacza również: poszanowanie) ludzkiej wolności. Ludzka istota może to wybrać, a Bóg chce respektować tę wolność, nawet jeżeli jest to wolność ograniczona, jeżeli jest to czasem wolność zaciemniona czy zepsuta. Bóg chce [tę wolność] zasadniczo uszanować. Jednak papież Franciszek zadaje też często pytanie: Czy wziąwszy pod uwagę wszystkie ograniczenia, jakie ma nasza wolność, piekło nie może być puste? To pytanie, które często zadaje papież Franciszek.

Obecny Pontifex o pustym piekle mówił rzeczywiście wielokrotnie; po raz ostatni na początku stycznia.

To nie dogmat wiary – to co powiem – to moje osobiste przekonanie, które mi się podoba: lubię myśleć, że piekło jest puste – stwierdził we włoskim programie telewizyjnym Che Tempo Che Fa

To pragnienie, mam nadzieję, że taka jest też rzeczywistość, ale to pragnienie – dodał. 

Katechizm w punkcie 1035 mówi: „Nauczanie Kościoła stwierdza istnienie piekła i jego wieczność. Dusze tych, którzy umierają w stanie grzechu śmiertelnego, bezpośrednio po śmierci idą do piekła, gdzie cierpią męki, ogień wieczny. Zasadnicza kara piekła polega na wiecznym oddzieleniu od Boga; wyłącznie w Bogu człowiek może mieć życie i szczęście, dla których został stworzony i których pragnie”.

W punkcie 1037 stwierdza z kolei: „Bóg nie przeznacza nikogo do piekła; dokonuje się to przez dobrowolne odwrócenie się od Boga (grzech śmiertelny) i trwanie w nim aż do końca życia. W liturgii eucharystycznej i w codziennych modlitwach swoich wiernych Kościół błaga o miłosierdzie Boga, który nie chce niektórych zgubić, ale wszystkich doprowadzić do nawrócenia (2 P 3, 9): Boże, przyjmij łaskawie tę ofiarę od nas, sług Twoich, i całego ludu Twego. Napełnij nasze życie swoim pokojem, zachowaj nas od wiecznego potępienia i dołącz do grona swoich wybranych”.

Źródła: x.com, Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego, PCh24.pl Pach

Kard. Müller: Papież straciłby swój urząd, gdyby [jawnie] głosił herezje. Nie posiada władzy nad doktryną i Boską konstytucją Kościoła.

Kard. Müller: Papież straciłby swój urząd, gdyby głosił herezje. Nie posiada władzy nad doktryną i Boską konstytucją Kościoła.


Kard. Gerhard Müller opublikował w magazynie „First Things” artykuł, w którym – komentując tzw. „Synod o synodalności” – wskazuje, iż papież nie posiada władzy nad doktryną i Boską konstytucją Kościoła, a gdyby próbował nauczać czegokolwiek sprzecznego z Tradycją, to automatycznie utraciłby swój urząd.

Kard. Müller fałszywemu pojęciu „synodalności” przeciwstawił przykład papieża św. Leona Wielkiego, w którego pontyfikacie silne hierarchiczne przywództwo łączyło się z elementem „synodalnym”, to znaczy chętnym korzystaniem z doradztwa braci w biskupstwie.

Występowała jednak zasadnicza różnica. Leon często gromadził biskupów i rzymskich prezbiterów na wspólne konsultacje. Zwoływanie takiego synodu nie miało na celu wydestylowania opinii większości ani ustalenia linii partyjnej. W czasach Leona synod służył ukierunkowaniu wszystkich na normatywną tradycję apostolską, a biskupi byli współodpowiedzialni za to, aby Kościół trwał w prawdzie Chrystusa.

Hierarcha po raz kolejny przestrzegł przed zgromadzeniem zwołanym przez Franciszka, wskazując, że „wiarę można łatwo wykorzystać do celów politycznych lub zamienić w uniwersalną religię braterstwa ludzi, która ignoruje Boga objawionego w Jezusie Chrystusie”.

W miejsce Chrystusa technokraci mogą zaprezentować się jako zbawiciele ludzkości. Jeśli Synod ma kierować się wiarą katolicką, nie może stać się spotkaniem ideologów postchrześcijańskich i ich antykatolickiego programu – dodaje autor.

Były prefekt Kongregacji Doktryny Wiary wyraził przy tym swój optymizm odnośnie morale katolików, którzy jego zdaniem są zdolni przeciwstawić się „reformatorskiej” agendzie Franciszka. Jakakolwiek próba przekształcenia Kościoła założonego przez Boga w światową organizację pozarządową zostanie udaremniona przez miliony katolików. Aż do śmierci będą przeciwstawiać się przekształceniu domu Bożego w targowisko ducha epoki, gdyż wszyscy wierni, namaszczeni przez Świętego, nie mogą błądzić w „sprawach wiary” (Lumen Gentium) – czytamy.

Autor podkreślił przy tym, że „Kościół nie jest demokracją” i choć urzędujący papież przyznał obecnie osobom świeckim „prawo głosu” na Synodzie, to jednak „ani oni, ani biskupi nie mogą «głosować» w sprawach wiary”.

Bądźcie pewni, że nawet gdyby większość delegatów „zdecydowała” w sprawie „błogosławieństwa” (bluźnierczego i sprzecznego z samym Pismem) par homoseksualnych lub wyświęcania kobiet na diakonów czy księży, nawet władza papieża nie wystarczy, aby wprowadzić lub tolerować takie heretyckie nauczanie lub jakiekolwiek inne nauczanie, które jest sprzeczne ze Słowem Bożym zawartym w Piśmie Świętym, Tradycji Apostolskiej i dogmatach Kościoła – zaznaczył kard. Müller

Chrystus polecił Piotrowi, aby utwierdzał swoich braci w wierze w Niego, Syna Bożego, a nie wprowadzał doktryny i praktyki sprzeczne z Objawieniem. Nauczanie sprzeczne z wiarą apostolską automatycznie pozbawiłoby papieża urzędu. Wszyscy musimy się modlić i odważnie pracować, aby oszczędzić Kościołowi takiej próby – dodał.

Źródło: firstthings.com FO

Francis’s Responsibility Facing Homosexual Heresy and the Transgender Dictatorship. A Sin of Revolt against God.

by Luiz Sérgio Solimeo September 22, 2022 https://www.tfp.org/franciss-responsibility-facing-homosexual-heresy-and-the-transgender-dictatorship/?PKG=TFPE22287

Starting this spring, Villanova University near Philadelphia adopted “inclusive language” that promotes “transgenderism.” It calls itself a Catholic university. Founded and run by the Augustinian order, Fr. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD. is the current president.

Its Mission Statement reads: “Villanova University is a Catholic Augustinian community of higher education, committed to excellence and distinction in the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge. Inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, the University is grounded in the wisdom of the Catholic intellectual tradition and advances a deeper understanding of the relationship between faith and reason.”1

Last August, the university issued a new guide titled “Gender Inclusive Practices Guide,” which reads:

“Be intentional about how you introduce yourself and address others. This includes using gender-inclusive language like ‘everyone,’ ‘people,’ or ’folks’ rather than gender binary language like ‘ladies and gentlemen.’”

It further says: “This guide introduces Villanova faculty and staff to best practices for being gender inclusive in our work spaces, laboratories, and classrooms—especially for those who identify within transgender, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, and/or gender questioning communities. How can we cultivate gender-inclusive teaching and work environments? How can we invite full participation from people of all genders and respond to the harmful effects of gender stereotyping or misgendering?2

“Transgenderism,” a Scientific Impossibility

This change of language to encourage “transgenderism” is absurd (especially in a university claiming to be Catholic), but it also clashes with scientific data.

Indeed, sex reassignment is a scientific impossibility. Through surgery and hormone treatments, one can be made to look like the opposite sex. However, despite the externals, both men and women retain the sex of their birth, which is determined by their chromosomes, not whims or fantasies.

The National Human Genome Research Institute is entirely clear in this matter: “A sex chromosome is a type of chromosome involved in sex determination. Humans and most other mammals have two sex chromosomes, X and Y, that in combination determine the sex of an individual. Females have two X chromosomes in their cells, while males have one X and one Y.”3

Michelle Cretella, M.D., president of the American College of Pediatricians, explains: “Sex is determined at conception by our DNA and is stamped into every cell of our bodies. Human sexuality is binary. You either have a normal Y chromosome, and develop into a male, or you don’t, and you will develop into a female. There are at least 6,500 genetic differences between men and women. Hormones and surgery cannot change this.”4

Rare cases of sexual organ deformation can be corrected licitly by hormones or surgery. However, that is to correct a disorder, not to change a person’s sex.

A university that boasts of being a “community of higher education, committed to excellence in the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge” should at least respect scientific data. Its denial of evidence and science can only be explained by ideological or religious reasons.

A Sin of Revolt against God

Any attempt to change one’s sex (at any rate, bound to fail) signals revolt against God, Who created us male or female.5 In His wisdom, God did what was best for every individual, man or woman, to give Him glory in the condition He determined.

Fr. Terrance Chartier of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate underlines the moral gravity of transgenderist ideology and its implementation:

“As an ideology, [transgenderism] contradicts natural law and divine revelation, so to affirm it would be sinful, would be actually a sin against the First Commandment, so a sin against the virtue of faith, against the divinely revealed truth about human sexuality.”

He adds that “sex change” is also a sin against the Fifth Commandment when it involves mutilations or ingesting drugs; against the Eighth, for lying to others, by appearing as one sex when one is of the opposite sex.6

A Pro-homosexual Catholic University

Villanova University’s stance supporting homosexuality was already notorious before imposing “inclusive language.”

In a section titled LGBTQIA+ RESOURCES, its website states: “As a Catholic university, Villanova respects the dignity and sacredness of each person.”

Just what is that “dignity” and “sacredness”?

In this context, the statement appears to refer to people who take pride in the sin against nature since that section is followed by a sub-section dedicated to a group within the university that participates in homosexual “pride” parades. It reads:

“V[illanova] U[niversity] Pride is a group of students, faculty, and staff working together to foster awareness and celebration of LGBTQIA+ identities on campus.”7

Heretical Religious Motivation

In its Mission Statement, Villanova University affirms that its activities are “inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.”8

However, by promoting homosexuality, the university preaches and does the opposite of the Divine Master’s most pure life and teaching.

One can only explain this contradiction if the university’s conception of “the life and teaching of Jesus Christ” are against perennial Church teaching based on the Scriptures, Tradition and the natural law. In short, it is based on a heretical religious motivation.

Heresy appears clearly in the commentary contained in the Statement Affirming LGBTQ+ Villanovans on the Villanova University website:

“We as students, faculty and staff of Villanova University are dismayed by the recent statement from the Vatican that names same-sex unions as a ‘sin.’…It is especially hurtful considering the Catholic Church’s longstanding exclusion of LGBTQ+ people.”9

For his part, in a message to the members of the Villanova Community, University President Fr. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, affirms the same heresy.

He begins by showing solidarity with homosexuals facing a Vatican statement that supposedly jeopardized their safety by claiming that same-sex “marriage” is sinful:

“There is another community today feeling hurt and invalidated. A recent Vatican statement has left members of the LGBTQAI+ community and their allies at Villanova wondering whether their place on campus is safe and secure. Without equivocation, Villanova affirms that all people are welcomed on our campus, especially those who suffer from exclusion.”

He further states that he believes the homosexual community has intrinsic value, negating the Catholic doctrine that homosexuality is sinful:

“We believe deeply in the humanity and intrinsic worth of the LGBTQAI+ community.”10

“A Prayer for All Marriages”

Rather than consider the act against nature a sin, this heresy affirms it is a reason for pride. The said Statement Affirming LGBTQ+ Villanovans ends with a prayer for all “marriages,” including adulterous and so-called “same-sex marriage”:

“A Prayer for All Marriages

Loving God,

“… We thank You for all the different types of marriages in our world:

young couples beginning a life together, as well as couples celebrating decades of love, re-married couples and those who found each other later in life, couples whose marriages are recognized by our state and our Church, and same-sex couples who are denied that recognition

but who continue to bravely model love and commitment in the face of discrimination.

We ask You to pour Your blessings onto every marriage regardless of gender or sexual orientation.”11

Francis’s Support of Homosexuality and Transgenderism

Sadly, this heresy is favored by those obliged before God and the Church to condemn error and reject sin.

Indeed, from the beginning of his pontificate, Francis has shown sympathy for homosexuality and transgenderism through acts, gestures, attitudes and omissions.

The most spectacular of these manifestations happened in 2015. He invited two women to come and visit him. One of them, having undergone surgery and used hormones, presented herself as a man, and the other as a woman, supposedly “his wife.” A photograph of the Vatican meeting was published throughout the world.

Later, on October 2, 2016, the Argentine Pope told this story to journalists on the plane returning from Baku, Azerbaijan to Rome. He said a Spaniard wrote him saying she was a woman who had become a man and married and would like him to receive them. Francis most naturally referred to the “transgender” woman as “he” as if she were a man, and to the other person as “his wife”:

“Then (the man) got married, he changed his civil identity, got married and wrote me a letter saying that for him it would be a consolation to come with his wife, he who was she, but him! I received them.”12

Homosexual Heresy and Transgender Dictatorship

Like the homosexual movement, transgenderism (a part of the movement) attempts to force everyone to accept a deviant lifestyle and prevent any criticism of it. This is done through legislation, regulation or pressure from public opinion.

The case of Villanova University shows how this dictatorship advances. In Catholic environments, this dictatorship would be unfeasible without Francis’ support of the movement. It now imposes itself using religious motives. History has shown that religious motivation is an extremely powerful force, even when heretical.

Never be discouraged

However, this terrible crisis spreading in society and, above all, in the Church must not discourage us.

Confident in the Immaculate Virgin, let us continue fighting this dictatorship using every peaceful and legal means to unmask the error and evil it strives to impose.

The Church has weathered other storms.

Pope Francis lies: “The Church is the Community of Saved Sinners”

February 14, 2022 | Luiz Sérgio Solimeo 

In his Wednesday “catechesis,” Pope Francis does not show concern about teaching the traditional Church doctrine confirmed by the Magisterium of Popes, councils, bishops, teachings of the Doctors of the Church and the sense of the faithful.

In a free-wheeling fashion, amid jests, he makes most grave affirmations in a confusing language that people can interpret in a heretical way.

The Church, a “Community of Sinners”?

Talking about the communion of saints on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, he joked, “It is not the saints receiving Communion, it is not that.”1 He added, correctly, “The communion of saints is the Church.”

The problem begins when Pope Francis defines the Church and says that a person remains a member of it no matter how great the sins he commits, including apostasy.

He says: “The Church is the community of saved sinners. This is a beautiful definition.”

And adds, “No one can exclude themselves from the Church. We are all saved sinners.”

Pope Francis’s definition recalls Luther’s contradictory phrase, “simul justus et peccator” (“simultaneously saint and sinner”), which summarizes the heresiarch’s doctrine. For Luther, all men are already saved though they remain sinners because Christ, Our Lord, does not blot out our sins but covers them with the mantle of His sacrifice.

Are Apostates Members of the Church?

According to Pope Francis’s semi-Lutheran definition, there is no difference between practicing virtue and being a sinner, for “no one can exclude themselves from the Church.” He goes on to give extreme examples:

“‘Father, let’s think about those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the persecutors of the Church, who have denied their baptism: Are these also at home?’ Yes, these too. All of them. The blasphemers, all of them. We are brothers. This is the communion of saints. The communion of saints holds together the community of believers on earth and in heaven, and on earth the saints, the sinners, all.”2

This statement could not be more confusing and contradictory. Pope Francis defined the communion of saints as the Church and now says that apostates and blasphemers are a part of it. Yet, he ends by saying that the communion of saints is the “community of believers.” How can apostates from the faith be considered “believers”?

Saint Robert Bellarmine’s Definition

Doctor of the Church, Saint Robert Bellarmine employs a classical definition of the Church commonly cited by theologians.

The Church is “A body of men united together by the profession of the same Christian Faith, and by participation in the same sacraments, under the governance of lawful pastors, more especially of the Roman Pontiff, the sole vicar of Christ on earth.”

And therefore, says the saintly Doctor, “are excluded all infidels . . . and those who belonged to the Church but abandoned Her, heretics and apostates.”3

Sinners Are Dead Members of the Church

Theologians commonly compare sinners who remain in the Church with the dead branches of the vine (the vine being Our Lord Jesus Christ) through which the sap of grace no longer passes.4

Charles Cardinal Journet very aptly describes how sinners remain in the Church:

“The Church contains sinners. But she does not contain sin. It is only in virtue of what remains pure and holy in them that sinners belong to her, that is to say in virtue of the sacramental characters of Baptism and Confirmation and of the theological habits of faith and hope if they still have them. . . . But in virtue of the mortal sin which has found its way into them and fills their hearts, they belong chiefly to the world and to the devil. ‘He who commits sin is of the devil’ (1 John 3:8).”5

Heretics and Apostates Expel Themselves from the Church

In subscribing to heresy, the heretic excludes himself from the Church. As Saint Paul states, he is “condemned by his own judgment” (Tit. 3:10–11).

Saint Jerome comments on this text from Saint Paul, saying: “Therefore it is said that the heretic has condemned himself; for the fornicator, the adulterer, the murderer and the other sinners are expelled from the Church by the priests; but the heretics pronounce sentence against themselves, excluding themselves from the Church spontaneously; this exclusion is their condemnation by their own conscience.”6

Saint Augustine comments along the same line: “Separate yourselves from the members of the Church, separate yourself from her Body. But why am I going to tell them to separate from the Church when they have already done so? In effect, they are heretics; they are already outside the Church.7

That is also the teaching of Saint Robert Bellarmine.8

Finally, Pope Pius XII affirms that the sin of schism or heresy or apostasy “of its own nature . . . sever[s] a man from the Body of the Church.”9

How can a heretic or apostate be a member of the Church if he has departed from God Himself by denying His authority and rejecting the truth He revealed and the Church teaches?

Saint Paul teaches—and the Church Magisterium repeats10—that “without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Heb. 11:6). Therefore, upon adhering to heresy and abandoning supernatural faith, the heretic breaks with God, loses the supernatural life, and takes the path of eternal damnation.

Dogma and Morals

Morals and dogma are closely related. “They are but two parts of a theologically unique science.”11 An error in dogma will have moral consequences, and an error in morals will influence dogma.

Is this Lutheran-friendly concept of sin and salvation not the reason why Pope Francis paves the way for giving Holy Communion to people objectively in sin such as adulterers12 and is so accomodating with those who practice sodomy?13

  1. Unless otherwise noted, all quotations are from “Pope Francis General Audience,” Paul VI Audience Hall, Wednesday, February 2, 2022, https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/audiences/2022/documents/20220202-udienza-generale.html, (accessed February 2, 2022). Emphasis added.
  2. Pope Francis, Vatican web site beginning at 18:29 minutes, https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/events/event.dir.html/content/vaticanevents/it/2022/2/2/udienzagenerale.html; or on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsWbIsQBUIo. (Our translation.)
  3. Saint Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Disputationum Roberti Bellarmini, Politani, S.J.: De Conciliis Et Ecclesia. De Conciliorum Auctoritate… (Milan: Edente Natale Battezzati, 1858), T. 2, p. 75.
  4. Cf. John 15:1-10.
  5. Charles Journet, The Church of the Word Incarnate (London – New York: Sheed & Ward, 1955), Vol. I, p. xxvii.
  6. Quoted in Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira, Can a Pope Be… a Heretic? The Theological Hypothesis of a Heretical Pope, trans. John Spann (Portugal: Caminhos Romanos, 2018), 85–6.
  7. Sermo 81, ML 38/981 quoted in Salaverri, De Ecclesia Christi, III, ch. 2, Art. 3, no. 1060, https://www.mercaba.org/TEOLOGIA/STE/iglesia/libro_3_cap_2.htm#Articulo%20III, accessed February 2, 2022.
  8. See Xavier da Silveira, Can a Pope Be… a Heretic?, p. 77.
  9. Pius XII, Encyclical Mystici Corporis Christi, no. 23, June 29, 1943, http://w2.vatican.va/content/pius-xii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xii_enc_29061943_mystici-corporis-christi.html, accessed February 2, 2022.
  10. Council of Trent, “Decree on Justification,” ch. 7; Vatican Council I, Dei Filius, ch. 3, “On Faith,” no. 5.
  11. Antonio Lanza-Pietro Palazzini, Principios de Teologia Moral, (Madrid: Ediciones Rialp, 1958), t. I, p. 19.
  12. See Luiz Sérgio Solimeo, “Because of Its Grave Errors ‘Amoris Laetitia’ Should Be Rejected,” TFP.org, May 4, 2016, https://www.tfp.org/because-of-its-grave-errors-amoris-laetitia-should-be-rejected/.
  13. See Luiz Sérgio Solimeo, “Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions, but Something Intrinsically Evil Cannot Be the Object of Legal Rights,” TFP.org, Dec. 4, 2020, https://www.tfp.org/pope-francis-endorses-same-sex-civil-unions-but-something-intrinsically-evil-cannot-be-the-object-of-legal-rights/; Luiz Sérgio Solimeo, “Pope Francis Supports Sodomy and Holy Communion for Pro-Abortion Politicians,” September 28, 2021, https://www.tfp.org/pope-francis-supports-sodomy-and-holy-communion-for-pro-abortion-politicians/.