Friday Funnies: “God Bless Bucks Fizz”. Eurovision hits a new low. MEMy.

Friday Funnies: “God Bless Bucks Fizz”

Eurovision hits a new low.


What the heck is Eurovision?

Hundreds of millions of Europeans tune in each year to watch the Eurovision Song Contest. This over-the-top annual event culminates in a frenetic musical extravaganza so completely bizarre that it leaves the rest of the world scratching its head. The contestants are usually outrageous, political, or have completely baffling productions.

But the cra-cra has turned venomously ugly. Katie Hopkins explains it best:

As to Bucks Fizz (gag) – If so inclined, that reference you will have to figure out for yourself. Personally, I had to google it.

Thank you for reading Who is Robert Malone.

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Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant is Doing the Impossible. Smartphone addiction.

Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible

by Jon Paul Fabrizio May 8, 2024

Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible

Right now, smartphone addiction is out of control. Things have reached such a point that the average American checks his phone 352 times a day—once every two minutes and 43 seconds.

But right now, a restaurant in Italy—and free wine—is doing what many thought impossible: It is separating people from their phones.

Last month, a restaurant called Al Condominio opened in Verona, a city midway between Milan and Venice. Upon entry, the restaurant’s employees make a unique proposition to their patrons. If customers agree to lock up their cell phones for the entirety of the meal, they will receive a complimentary bottle of wine.

The restaurant’s owner, Angelo Lella, said he started this practice with a specific goal in mind.

“We wanted to open a restaurant that was different from the others. So we picked this format—customers can choose to renounce technology while enjoying a convivial moment together. Technology is becoming a problem—there is no need to look at your phone every five seconds, but for many people, it is like a drug.”

This is no exaggeration. In 2019, 75% of Italian adults used their phones over three hours a day—6% of whom admitted to using their smartphones for more than ten hours in one day.

However, despite this statistic, Mr. Lella’s plan has achieved notable success.

He asserted that “The response has been very positive. Ninety percent of customers have opted to leave aside their phones in exchange for wine. It really is a beautiful thing to see people embracing it—they are talking to each other rather than looking at photos or responding to messages on their phone.”

Thus, breaking dependence on technology is not an impossible task. People can and will avoid digital enslavement if given the opportunity.

Can We Bring This To America?

This phenomenon serves as food for thought, particularly for Americans. The nation suffers the devastating effects of smartphone addiction.

A recent study pointed out that 57% of Americans consider themselves addicted to their phones. This number is even more startling, considering that it does not include those who won’t admit their addiction.

However, it is not too late to fight back. Similar business models discouraging technology abuse show how open Americans are to the idea of a smartphone detox. One proof is the growing popularity of minimalist phones, which protect their users from Tik-Tok-esque distractions.

Additionally, a trend called “digital detox” is also gaining steam. According to a 2022 survey, 32% of American internet users have participated in this positive practice of abstaining from internet use.

Many Americans realize there is a problem and naturally want to solve it. Granted, breaking a smartphone addiction is a daunting task. However, a little bit of incentive goes a long way.

That’s why practices similar to those promoted at Al Condominio should be encouraged. Instead of having tabletop payment kiosks and QR-code menus, America needs restaurants that allow people to detach themselves from technology and enjoy human interaction—all over a glass of fine wine.

Aspirant Ewa Brunett, Policja. Uśmiechnięta Polska. MEMY. [jeszcze dowieźli !!]


Jacek Protasiewicz stwierdził, że minister spraw wewnętrznych i administracji Marcin Kierwiński „był napruty jak Messers(c)hmitt” podczas przemówienia w Dniu Strażaka. Były wieloletni polityk Platformy Obywatelskiej przyznał, że dokładnie wie, ile alkoholu spożywa się w tej partii. Były wicewojewoda dolnośląski i były polityk PO Jacek Protasiewicz w ostatnim czasie nie gryzie się w język. „Wiem co jest pite”:

Polska jak Messerschmitt. Co jak co, ale minister Kierwiński problemów z nagłośnieniem nie ma. Chyba zostanie prezydentem, jeszcze tylko do luku bagażowego Boeinga musi wleźć. Jumbo Jet z niego…

JKM: „Zapamiętajcie – to nie alkohol plącze politykom języki i zniekształca przemówienia. Robi to sprzęt dźwiękowy. ;)”


Ciężkie czasy dla „oszwiate”:


Śniadanie na trawie – w Watykanie: Paczamama i Partner.

Sunday Strip: Make Europe Great Again. Why the MEGA movements matters

Sunday Strip: Make Europe Great Again

[no wiesz, że to obrazki.. po co ci to będę umieszczał w tytule… md]]

Why the MEGA movements matters and more…


Another great “rapper” video from Hi-Rez.

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Friday Funnies: Become Ungovernable. In the face of tyranny. MEMy. Nas też dotyczą…

Friday Funnies: Become Ungovernable

in the face of tyranny


Based on the votes this week, it appears that it isn’t just Democrats trampling on the flag…

p” for our horse breeding business.

The above is easy to say, not so easy to live by.

But we must all try to resist what is happening in our nation.

The cyberstalking and cyberbullying in this culture is sickening, and they are working to help the government to control us all. By demeaning others, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and harassing, we have lost focus on the real enemy. 

Online hate has become a very successful business model.

Tyranny is winning worldwide. And frankly, I am really getting tired of the constant on-line personal attacks, lies, defamation and hate.

This little illustrated video relates to much of the cyberstalking and bullying that is going on. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Friday Funnies: DON’T. American jokes.

Friday Funnies: DON’T

Marked “SAFE” from cannibals today.


  • Biden to Iran: “Don’t” 
  • Iran strikes at Israel 
  • Biden to Israel: “Don’t” 
  • Israel strikes back at Iran

But it gets worse…

(The clips with Biden below are almost too embarrassing to watch)

“I Made It Clear To Israelis – Don’t Move on Haifa.” 

(You know, Haifa – that city in Israel…)

Factchecked: True.

Most of us intuitively know that Trump is being persecuted. But let’s take the above case, which is being prosecuted by the state of New York.
The facts: Trump was charged in 2023 with falsifying business records to hide alleged hush money payments made in 2014 or 2015. This indictment was made almost a decade after the alleged crime took place and almost four years after this case could have been brought to trial. The case is weak at best, with no credible witnesses.
The state of NY waited until the presidential election was well underway before conducting their kangaroo court. Timing is everything.

This is what Banana republics do… 

It might be time to retire when…