Sunday Strip: The Near is End. Trump Takes DC. MEMy.

Sunday Strip: The Near is End

Trump Takes DC

Robert W Malone MD, MS Jan 19, 2025


I watched the whole, so you don’t have to…

(The truth is – once you start watching, it is hard to press that pause button)

Friday Funnies: New Math. Careful – Red meat causes cancer!

Friday Funnies: New Math

Careful- Red meat causes cancer!

Robert W Malone MD, MS Jan 17, 2025

True story:


How far have we fallen?

This is the message that our government sent to Americans during WWII.

When people believe that being self sufficient is a worthy endeavor, they take pride in themselves.

Our government once understood this – and promoted healthy living to build healthy Americans.

And this is the message they send now.

[—-] MEMy III.

[Uś, ale ten Watykan musiał wkleić… md]


Skarbówka w Grodzisku Mazowieckim przeniósł się niedawno z ulicy Żydowskiej do nowej siedziby na  ul. Daleką.

Ale  za to w Krakowie Centrum Krwiodawstwa jest na ul. Rzeźniczej… 

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